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Airborne Particle Counters

Airborne Particle Counters

Model: SOLAIR 3100

Brand: Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions

Applications: Cleanroom monitoring, equipment certification monitoring, trend analysis, tool and equipment testing, multi-point equipment monitoring, compressed gas monitoring, filter testing, aerospace and aviation, hospital operating rooms, pharmaceutical industry, medical device assembly lines, hard drive manufacturing, food processing production areas.

The SOLAIR 3100 is the most versatile particle counter on the market today. Whether you’re certifying your cleanroom to ISO standards, performing routine testing, counting particles in your compressed gas lines, scanning your HEPA filters for leaks, challenge testing your HEPA filters or measuring environmental parameters such as TRH, DP, or AV, the SOLAIR 3100 portable particle counter is the right instrument to get the job done.

  • Cleanroom Certification: Whether you are certifying to current ISO 14644 standards, EU GMP Annex 1 or Federal Standards 209E, the SOLAIR 3100 has you covered with its certification report wizard.
  • Routine Testing: Routine testing is a breeze with the intuitive interface, zoom screen and on board sample recipes.
  • Troubleshooting: With beep and concentration sample modes the SOLAIR 3100 will simplify the identification of particle sources within your clean room.
  • Compressed Gas Testing: The SOLAIR 3100 can be used to test for particle counts in compressed air by utilizing a high pressure diffuser or high pressure controller.  Particles can be tested down to 0.3 micron.
  • HEPA Filter Scanning: The scanning of HEPA filters is a critical step to ensure the integrity of the HEPA filter and overall cleanliness of the clean room.  The ScanAir attachment from Lighthouse makes filter scanning an easier operation.

Key Features:

  • CFM (28.3 LPM) flow rate
  • Up to 8 particle sizes
  • Number 1 in class for versatility
  • Industry’s Best User Interface
  • ISO 21501-4 Compliant
  • One of the lightest portables on the market
  • Stainless steel construction
  • 21 CFR Part 11 compliant secure data transfer via USB flash drive
  • Multiple communication interfaces; USB, RS-485, Ethernet and USB flash driv.
  • 5.7-inch color TFT touch screen display
  • 3000 record data storage memory
  • 50-record configurable recipe database
  • Multiple-language support: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Korean

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