Product Introduction Product Introduction

ION Chromatograph_ICA-7000

ION Chromatograph_ICA-7000

Product name:ION Chromatograph
Product specifications:MODEL:ICA-7000

Ion Chromatograph

- Compact, All-in-one system, 2ch type is same size as 1ch type
- Excellent extensibility due to unitized device configuration
- Both suppressor method and non-suppressor method available
- Low range measurement for high sensitivity analysis available
- Stable feeding is possible with the deployment of new pump
- Unit controll with USB communication and data processing
- Remote data monitoring capability also available with commercially available RS-232C/LAN conversion adapter
- Meets a wide range of water supply measurement needs such as cyanide/bromate, heavy metal, etc.
- High sensitivity analysis by chemical suppressor system
- Up to 90 sample measurements with our auto-sampler (coupled with specific controlling software)

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